The Group has once again demonstrated
its position as pioneer and leader driven by
objectives of reparability widely exceeded a
significant increase in the use of recycled
materials in products and packaging and
successful new projects in secondhand
activities notably in France with RépareSeb
but also in Spain and Germany
The percentage of recycled materials plastic
aluminum etc in manufactured products and
packaging has increased sharply from 38
in 2018 to 48 at the end of 2023 This is due
to very proactive initiatives at the factories
notably at Rumilly FRA and Yuhuan CHN
Groupe SEB is committed to very ambitious
decarbonization targets concerning
operations in its factories, product use and
logistics, and adheres to a strict policy to
improve packaging.
Through the eco-production policy
implemented at all its sites worldwide,
Groupe SEB has taken action at two levels:
saving energy and increasing the share of
renewable energy. Photovoltaic panels have been
installed at various sites such as the factories in
Pont-Évêque (FRA), Rionegro (COL), Montebello
(USA) and last but not least, Yuhuan (CHN).
As the majority of Groupe SEB’s greenhouse
gases result from the consumers’ use of
its products (64.3% in 2023), one of the
major areas for product development lies in
reducing use-related energy consumption.
Although the goal was only partially achieved
due to increased sales in carbon-intensive
countries, remarkable progress was
nonetheless made in energy efficiency, of
which the Green Force Max bagless vacuum
cleaner (Rowenta), manufactured at the
Vernon (FRA) site, is a compelling example:
using just 400 watts, it is as efficient as an
equivalent product operating at 900 watts.
In terms of eco-packaging, the goal for carboard
has been exceeded with 94% of recycled fibers
at the end of 2023. The Group has also removed
expanded polystyrene in the vast majority of its
packaging (90%), and plastic bags in almost half
(47%). This amazing progress in an operationally
complex area has been accomplished over
5 years through close collaboration between
the Product Development and Purchasing
teams. The elimination of plastic bags proved
more difficult for some product categories
and locations due to technical constraints and
consumer acceptance, for both hygiene and
quality reasons.
in 2023 and a collaborative approach
established with the Groups suppliers which
will act as a springboard to ensure that this
figure grows over the coming years
A pioneer in product reparability the Group
has also made major advances through
its repairable for 15 years at a fair price
commitment extended in 2021 with a set
repair fee to control costs and provide a
6month guarantee on repaired products
The subsidiary SEB International Service
SIS manages stocks of spare parts and
accessories for all Groupe SEBs brands
Nearly 8 million spare parts are stored at
the Groups central warehouses 30000m
of storage in FaucogneyetlaMer FRA
With the same focus on circularity the
RépareSeb community workshop and store
for reconditioned small domestic appliances
in France which opened in December
2020 is helping more than 25 employees
into the workplace They have repaired or
reconditioned more than 15000 products
thereby preventing more than 60 tons of
waste in 2023
where commitment meets excellence