Time for a round-up!
The dynamic of the sponsorship programs
results from almost all affiliates being
involved in mediumterm initiatives each year
since 2007 Groupe SEB is closely engaged
with local communities in the regions in
which it is established with for example
the Gastromotiva association in Brazil to
help train marginalized young people in the
food services trades Supors construction
program to build schools for disadvantaged
children in rural areas and the Imusa
Samurai foundation Taller de SueƱos which
is heavily involved with Colombian street
coffee vendors
From ethics to social policy and responsible
purchasing, Groupe SEB is committed with its
employees stakeholders and the regions in
which it is established to promote respect for
people the first pillar of its strategy
The Group has gradually reduced its accident
rate worldwide achieving a 07 rate in
2023 greatly exceeding the target it had
set itself 10 This result is notably due
to the introduction of specific processes
raising employee awareness training and
Significant progress has also been made
in terms of gender parity in management
positions 42 of women managers for 43
of women in the company contributing to
a more efficient organization overall The
number of women in key positions has
increased sharply up 3 points in 2023 and
is getting closer to the target