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Groupe SEB is committed to responsible consumption for everyone

From sharing instead of buying to understanding labels and making household products oneself, the messages disseminated among the inhabitants of working-class neighborhoods by young people in civic service working for the Unis-Cité organization show that it is possible to "Be better informed, buy better and make better use of products". Through the products we choose to consume, each one of us has the power to have a real-life influence on the main issues in society today. We can opt for more environment-friendly products, generate less waste and improve the working conditions of producers.

For households in working-class neighborhoods, the shift to more responsible consumption involves special issues. All too often, people with tight budgets continue to think that consuming better necessarily comes at a higher cost. Since 2014, through the support of companies such as Groupe SEB, Casino, Greenflex, L’Oréal and Unilever, as well as local partners, including local authorities and social housing landlords, Unis-Cité has every year rallied some 100 volunteers from these neighborhoods to organize original collective awareness-raising initiatives and offer interested families personalized support at home.

How to train 16-25 year-olds on this subject? What events can be developed to raise awareness in a fun manner? What kind of eco-behaviour should be adopted? After three years' experience, Unis-Cité and its partners are sharing the expertise and tools that they have developed on a special website with a view to making responsible consumption accessible for everyone.