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Prevent disruptions in the lives of young adults leaving the child protection system



Prevent disruptions in the lives of young adults leaving the child protection system

40% of homeless young people come from the Aide Sociale à l'Enfance system. Faced with this edifying observation, the Apprentis d'Auteuil association has developed an innovative system: the Touline.

The objective of the program is to accompany young adults aged 18 to 25 leaving child protection services towards successful socio-professional integration. To achieve this, La Touline offers reinforced, individualized and comprehensive support, taking into account various dimensions such as health, housing, work, training and emotional life. The objective? To develop the power to act of these young people so that they acquire the resources necessary for their integration.

In 2021, the Lyon branch of the program was in contact with 183 young people and set up 41 local accompaniments. 31 of them were able to access more secure housing and their situation improved overall. 

In order to combat the exclusion of young people leaving child protection, and convinced of the relevance of this action, the Fonds Groupe is supporting the Lyon branch of La Touline to increase its outreach support capacity to 60 young people.  



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