Each brand has a well-defined identity, with a specific values which are reflected in the product offering, features and design, as well as in appropriate communication mechanics.
We remain convinced that our balanced business model, combining profitable growth and a resolutely responsible approach, creates value for all and plays a full part in our contribution to better living in households around the world.
06:30 am (CET)
2024 Sales and results - Press Release
10:30 am (CET)
2024 Sales and results - Conference
05:40 pm (CET)
1st quarter 2025 sales and financial data
Palmarès INPI des principaux déposants de brevets en 2016 : Le Groupe SEB est à nouveau dans le top 20. L'INPI a publié lundi, le palmarès 2016 des principaux déposants de brevets en France. Le Groupe SEB figure parmi les 20 premiers déposants en se plaçant à la 19e place, avec 102 brevets déposés.
Source: https://www.inpi.fr/fr/nationales/le-palmares-2016-des-deposants-de-brevets-en-france
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