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Yseulys Costes portrait

Independent director

Date of first appointment: AGM of 14 May 2013
Expiration du mandat: 2025 AGM

Yseulys Costes holds a master’s degree in Management Sciences and a postgraduate degree in Marketing and Strategy from Université Paris-IX Dauphine. She is Chairwoman, CEO and founder of Numberly – 1000mercis Group. She discovered the internet in 1995 during her MBA studies at the Robert O. Anderson School in the US. Given her interest in Data and Marketing, she founded Numberly – 1000mercis Group to offer its clients innovative digital strategies with a high return on investment, through targeted, multichannel solutions with a measurable impact. As an Interactive Marketing researcher, she spent time at Harvard Business School, in the US, and has taught at several institutions (HEC, ESSEC and Paris Dauphine).

Before founding Numberly, she wrote many works and articles on marketing and databases, and was the coordinator of the IAB France on its creation.

In 2014, she moved to Palo Alto in California, the heart of Ad Tech, to develop Numberly, the Group’s international subsidiary. She moved back to France in 2018.

Other current offices and positions as of 12/31/2021:

> Chairman and CEO of Numberly Groupe - 1000mercis
> Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Ocito
> Director, member of the Audit Committee, member of the Appointments Committee and Chairman of the Remuneration Committee of Kering S.A.