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Multi-brand strategy

Our multi-brand strategy

It enables Groupe SEB to:

  • better address multiple consumer expectations around the world, with each one of our brands responding to specific consumer attitudes

  • bring relevant and complementary responses to the strategies of our retailers

Each brand has its own well-defined identity with specific values expressed through the range, functionalities and design of its products and a unique communication stance.

The portfolio of Groupe SEB brands gives us a decisive competitive advantage.
With our multibrand strategy, we can respond in optimal fashion to the multiple expectations of our customers around the world while generating profitable growth for each one of our product categories.
The awareness and image of our brands are powerful reasons for consumers to adopt and repurchase our innovations.
To maintain our global leadership, our brands remains consistent in time and space through their brand platforms.
But they also need to evolve to remain in step with deep-seated social trends, notably sustainable development.
45 brands

The pillars of Groupe SEB's growth strategy, they are organised into three main subsets:

  • CORE BRANDS, with a strong reputation in their regional or global markets, offer products that support  consumers’ everyday lives. Complementing each other and fulfilling specific needs, they each have well-defined identities and values, which are expressed through the range, features, product design and communications.
  • PREMIUM BRANDS are aimed at the most demanding consumers, with well-adapted positioning, designs  and marketing methods.
  • PROFESSIONAL BRANDS have a global vocation and focus on the professional coffee and hotel and catering sector.