Each brand has a well-defined identity, with a specific values which are reflected in the product offering, features and design, as well as in appropriate communication mechanics.
We remain convinced that our balanced business model, combining profitable growth and a resolutely responsible approach, creates value for all and plays a full part in our contribution to better living in households around the world.
05:40 pm (CET)
1st quarter 2025 sales and financial data
02:30 pm (CET)
General Meeting
2025 Half-year sales and results
SEB means Société d’Emboutissage de Bourgogne / Burgundy’s embossing company.
Our mission is to make consumers’ everyday life easier and more enjoyable and contribute to better living all around the world. To know more on Groupe SE’s mission and values, click here.
Groupe SEB and it's brands are committed to a "ten-year repairable product" policy that stands as a true strategic direction in favor of consumers and the environment. To ensure this repairability, we rely on a 6,500 approved repairers network. Find out all contact information on our brand website.
Discover our products, our latest innovation, tips and advice, accessories information, after sale services… directly on our brand website.
Groupe SEB’s multi-brand strategy enables it to operate in global and local markets over the long term, while remaining as close as possible to consumers. It has the widest portfolio of brands in the Small Domestic Equipment industry. The Group’s 29 brands are the pillars of its growth strategy and are now organised into three main subsets : core, premium et professional brands.
Convinced that new technologies can improve the daily lives of our consumers, Groupe SEB created SEB Alliance to detect and invest in emerging companies with disruptive technologies and/or new business models. Targeted sectors are consistent with Groupe SEB's strategic innovation focuses, the aim being to enable companies to access the know-how and resources of the group. We target opportunities of relevance to the general public in three main areas: wellness, the connected world, sustainable development. To learn more and submit an idea, please read our dedicated pages.
You have an idea or invention and want to submit it to Groupe SEB with a view to helping us create or improve tomorrow’s products? Our special team for managing external inventions receives all such proposals and then refers them to the relevant experts in house. Please fill our online submission form.
Inside Groupe SEB, innovation is multiform and concerns technology, marketing and design. For each new development, innovation at Groupe SEB is driven by pluridisciplinary teams. To know more, please consult our Innovation rubric.
The Fonds Groupe SEB, mainly active in France, provides support (financial, product donations, volunteer work) to projects aimed at social reinsertion. The Fonds Groupe SEB concentrates on insertion through work, education/training, housing, and access to a healthy diet. It also works in favor of people in difficulty due to health problems. To know more, please consult our dedicated pages.
Fonds Groupe SEB – a dotation funds- The Fonds Groupe SEB contributes only to projects which aim to reintegrate people in difficulty into society and located near a Groupe SEB subsidiary. To know more about our conditions and reach the submission form, click here.
We advise you to convert them to “managed registered shares”. The only person authorized to manage your equity savings scheme is your financial intermediary. Your managed registered shares will be held by your manager, who will handle their “double pure registration”. Your equity savings scheme will remain unchanged and you will benefit from numerous advantages reserved for registered shareholders (loyalty dividend, double voting rights, purchase of Groupe SEB products at preferential prices).
The provisional schedule of events is available on our website, in our annual report, and in the Shareholder Newsletter. It is also included in most of the schedules and diaries published in the economic and financial press.
No. Groupe SEB’s dividend policy is informed by a long-term approach and will not be modified owing to the implementation of this bonus.
Dividends are subject to income tax, with a mandatory levy of 21% being made on the payment of dividends (in addition to social contributions, currently at 15.5%).
You may be exempted from this levy of 21% in 2018 if your 2016 tax statement (as provided for on your tax notice received in 2017) is lower than €50,000 (for a single person) or €75,000 (for a couple subject to joint taxation).
SEB shares were first listed on the Paris Stock Exchange in May 1975. We celebrated the 40th anniversary of the SEB share listing on 27th May, 2015, in Paris.
Groupe SEB has been a pioneer in France by putting in place a special relationship with its registered shareholders - loyalty premium on dividends for shares held for more than two years, double voting rights after five years, preferential prices on a range of Group products etc. So far, we haven't found it necessary to create a shareholders' club, because the "circle" of registered shareholders works just like a club anyway.
Every now and then, we organise plant visits for our shareholders and this is an effective way of allowing them to gain a better understanding of the Group’s industrial challenges. These visits are generally well attended and much appreciated. We also participate on average four times a year in information meetings held in various French towns, alongside other large companies. During these meetings, we present the strategy, results prospects and objectives of the Group. There is also plenty of time allocated for a debate with the audience, which often leads to discussions that are lively and very enriching, both for the general public and for the companies that are present.
The SEB share service looks after all stock exchange deals on behalf of shareholders, both buying and selling. Orders can be sent by e-mail or fax; they can also be submitted directly by shareholders via the Internet using their registered account (https://planetshares.bnpparibas.com/login)
Printed forms are available from the SEB share service or can be downloaded from: Download the "Stock Exchange order"
Log in to your account on the Internet at http://planetshares.bnpparibas.com and enter your order yourself OR fill out a printed form and send it to the Securities Department (BP2S):
by post to the following address: BNP PARIBAS Securities Services Grands Moulins de Pantin – Service des Emetteurs Service Titre SEB 9, rue du Débarcadère 93761 PANTIN CEDEX – France by fax on the following number: +33 (0) 1 55 77 34 17
Download a file that you can then send to the SEB Securities Department: The forms are available from the SEB Securities Department or may be downloaded here: Download the file
This is not a “pay-out ratio” policy - the Group has not decided to allocate a set percentage of its profits to shareholders. The Group has a policy of regular payments to shareholders as part of a long-term perspective:
SEB shares held on 31 December are evaluated either at the last quoted price of the year, or at the average of the last 30 closing prices of the year. Thus, for the 2015 financial year, the average of the last 30 closing prices on the Stock Exchange, which is more advantageous from a tax point of view, could be used:
The Group works with an extremely large and diverse network of distributors, giving it a decisive competitive edge. It develops constructive long-term relationships with customers on the basis of the most extensive product offer on the market and with strong brands, which are vectors of growth and profitability for each of the parties. The network mainly comprises mass food retailers, specialist retailers as well as local stores or groups of independents, of which there are still a high percentage in emerging markets. The percentage of sales made online is growing significantly due to the number of purely online operators as well as via websites created by physical retailers, mainly specialist brands. Furthermore, the Group has developed a network of its own retail brand outlets (Home & Cook, Tefal shops, Supor Lifestores, etc.), the aim of which being, on the one hand, to reach out to consumers in certain emerging countries where retail coverage is inadequate, and on the other, to promote the flow of discontinued products in mature countries.
At present, we have 6 global brands or brands that are intended to be global: All-Clad, Krups, Lagostina, Moulinex, Rowenta and Tefal. These brands are the spearhead of our international approach. At the same time, we have brands with a national/regional dimension, which are leaders in their markets and have a very strong image. These brands ensure our leading position in many countries. The addition of these local leaderships makes up the foundation of our global leadership. Moreover, in the highly segmented market for small domestic equipment, this portfolio of unique brands constitutes a major competitive advantage because it allows us to cover all the market segments, from entry-level to high-end products. We have a clear policy of capitalizing on this crucial strategic advantage. We will no doubt need to carry out some adjustments here and there in order to optimise our approach still further, but we do not envisage any significant structural changes.
The only member of the founding family to be involved in the management of the Group today is the Chairman and CEO, Thierry de La Tour d’Artaise.
Groupe SEB has about 1,300 proprietary stores around the world: Home & Cook, Tefal shops, Casa Lagostina and Supor Life Stores. These points of sale are designed to ensure the presence of the Group in geographical areas where modern distribution is not well established or not established at all. In this respect, they are an excellent addition to the Group’s usual sales channels.
The percentage of sales made online continues to increase, both via pure players like Amazon, Tmall and Nova Pontocom, or via retailer websites. This structural trend stems from the simplicity of the act of purchasing, the Internet user’s brand/price approach, the increased security of online methods of payment and ever-improving online services for price and product comparison, delivery, after-sales service, etc. At the same time, as well as websites specialising in accessories, the Group is also testing multi-brand websites with the same name as our proprietary stores in USA, Turkey and South Korea in particular.
Groupe SEB announced December 23rd, 2015, that it has signed an agreement with Supor Group, the holding company of the Su family, to buy 50 million shares or 7.9% of the capital of Supor at the price of CNY 29 per share. This transaction follows the purchase of 10 million shares that was completed during the first half of 2015. This agreement has been finalized mid-2016, after approval of the Chinese authorities. After the operation, Groupe SEB is holding 81.17% of its Chinese subsidiary and the founding family 0.80%, the remaining stake, ie 18.03 %, representing the free float. Groupe SEB does not plan on taking full control of Supor, that will remain listed on the Shenzhen stock market. This new increase in its ownership of Supor does not change the effective control of Groupe SEB over its subsidiary but confirms the Group’s confidence in Supor’s ability to further deploy best practices and constantly improve its competitiveness in order to continue to win in China and the export markets.
CAC Mid 60, SBF 120, CAC Mid & Small, as well as CAC All-Tradable and CAC All-Share.
Float represents 44.2% of the capital of SEB S.A at 31/12/2018.
Groupe SEB has always financed its own growth and the acquisitions it has made until now through debt, always making sure that it maintains its financial equilibrium. However, in the global market for small domestic equipment which will continue to consolidate, a listing on the stock exchange provides us with a wider scope of financing sources in case of acquisition, for example by using the market to make it easier to exchange shares etc.
Our policy aims at fair remuneration of shareholders and consists in increasing reasonably dividend when results allow it and stabilising dividend when circumstances demand it. In certain specific cases, such as in 2010, which was a year defined by exceptional results, the increase can be extended to reward an "outstanding” performance. In the past we have also granted free shares on a very ad hoc basis.
Our Careers website is for you! Consult our job offers in the world, apply online or discover our jobs on www.groupeseb-careers.com.