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Our group fosters diversity in all its forms: gender equality, ethnic and social diversity, balance between young and senior employees, and the integration of people with disabilities. As a source of dynamism, creativity, and innovation, diversity is cultivated throughout our organization. In accordance with our code of ethics, our non-discrimination policy applies at all levels:

  • recruitement
  • remuneration
  • career advancement within the group

As signatories of the Diversity Charter in France since 2005, we have implemented numerous initiatives to reinforce this policy at our sites and to raise employee awareness on this topic. In France, Human Resources teams were trained in 2022 on stereotypes, diversity, and gender equality.

Our group includes:

  • a Diversity and Inclusion action plan deployed in each subsidiary of the group
  • a training program that includes the golden rules of Inclusive Management covering all managers


Professional equality between women and men is an integral part of the non-discrimination and Diversity promotion policy led by Groupe SEB. Since 2019, we have strengthened our approach with a global Gender Diversity commitment plan: each Management Committee, regardless of the country or type of entity (industrial site, commercial subsidiary, etc.), has committed to six concrete measures on diversity from a dozen actions proposed by the Group (e.g., anti-discrimination training, local events, personal development actions, etc.).

The Group’s actions in favor of gender equality have accelerated in recent years, particularly with:

  • A global communication campaign on the theme of work-life balance;
  • A gender diversity network within the Group
  • Conferences accessible worldwide (live or replay).

To accelerate the progression of women to top management positions, Human Resources commits to including at least one woman in the final selection of candidates for key positions (shortlist).

To develop and retain talent while promoting the advancement of women to positions of responsibility, the Group launched a mentoring program in 2017, first in France and then internationally since 2018. The principle: an experienced manager mentors and advises a "high-potential" employee for one year to help them succeed within the Group. This development tool, beneficial to both parties, has been highly successful. Since 2017, more than 230 participants (2 to 3 cohorts per year) from 27 countries have benefited from it.


In France, professional equality between men and women within our group is governed by a collective agreement renewed in 2023. This agreement requires each of our companies to develop an action plan with monitoring indicators on the themes of remuneration, promotion/classification, and training. It is the subject of an annual comparative status report for the entities concerned.

The measures taken in favor of gender equality are diverse:

  • flexible work organization to facilitate work-life balance
  • childcare or concierge solutions
  • specific degree-awarding technical training programs offered to women since 2011, leading to potential career advancement.
Egalité hommes / femmes

The Professional Future Law of September 5, 2018 regarding professional equality between women and men, introduced the requirement to publish a company score based on the measurement of 4 or 5 indicators, depending on its size. Here are the results of this rating for Groupe SEB in France as of March 1, 2024:

Companies with more than 1,000 employees:


Points obtained



Pay gap

38 / 40


Difference in individual raise rates

20 / 20


Difference in promotion rates

15 / 15


Return from maternity leave

15 / 15


Top ten highest salaries

5 / 10

Overall score

93 / 100


Furthermore, 26.8% of the members of Tefal's Executive Committee are women.

Companies with 250 to 1000 employees:


Points obtained


Groupe SEB France SAS

Groupe SEB Moulinex


SEB Développement SAS


Pay gap

39 / 40

39 / 40

38 / 40

37 / 40

38 / 40


Difference in individual raise rates

20 / 20

20 / 20

20 / 20

20 / 20

20 / 20


Difference in promotion rates

15 / 15

15 / 15

15 / 15

15 / 15

15 / 15


Return from maternity leave

15 / 15

15 / 15

15 / 15

15 / 15

15 / 15


Top ten highest salaries

0 / 10

5 / 10

0 / 10

0 / 10

5 / 10

Overall score

89 / 100

94 / 100

88 / 100

87 / 100

93 / 100


Companies with fewer than 250 employees:


Points obtained




Groupe SEB Retailing

Groupe SEB Export



Pay gap

36 / 40

37 / 40

40 / 40


39 / 40


Difference between promotion rates

25 / 35

35 / 35

35 / 35

25 / 35

35 / 35


Return from maternity leave

15 / 15

15 / 15

15 / 15

15 / 15



Top ten highest salaries

5 / 10

10 / 10

5 / 10

10 / 10

10 /10

Overall score

81 / 100

97 / 100

95 / 100


99 /100

*NC = not calculable

As part of its new agreement, Groupe SEB continues its commitments and action plans regarding gender equality in the workplace.


Disabilities are a twofold challenge for our group:

In 2013, we signed a three-year agreement on disabilities aimed at improving the lasting integration of employees with disabilities at industrial and tertiary sites.

The agreement provides for:

  • raising awareness in all employees through group workshops, a booklet on disabilities and a guide on potential aid, etc.
  • initiatives with our partner schools and specialized bodies for acting upon hiring
  • measures in favor of employees with disabilities, including the possibility for a 2% reduction in working hours at end of career with no reduction in salary, based on a medical prescription
  • the integration of employees with disabilities, notably on a temp-work basis and through the ESAT (French sheltered employment initiative)

As a result, the percentage of employees with disabilities in France exceeded the legal rate of 6,2% in 2016.